With much prayer and consecration, Bishop Baxter heard a clarion call from the Holy Spirit to execute a covenant fellowship of Pastors, Leaders, and Ministries who were searching for a covering and looking to connect with an extended Body of Believers. Several Pastors and Leaders heavily relied on Bishop David L. Baxter, Jr. as a trusted voice; they sought his wise counsel and were drawn by the Spirit to submit to His Leadership.
On January 26, 2019, Life Covenant Connection was established. Bishop David & Lady Kenyetta Baxter and six other Pastors and Leaders met in Florence, SC, to form a divine connection through the Holy Spirit. Bishop Baxter cast the vision of Life Covenant Connection, a spiritual & Apostolic Covering for Pastors, Churches, and Ministries. Pastors and Leaders came together with a desire to connect with other ministries to foster covenant relationships, receive spiritual guidance, gain strength, and build ministry with like-minded leaders. Coming together would produce LIFE (Leaders Igniting Fellowship & Empowerment).
Life Covenant Connection breaks denominational barriers and builds a bridge that equips the Body of Christ beyond the traditions of manufactured religion. Through constant prayer, fellowship, leadership training, and utilization of ministry gifts, we stand together to create a paradigm shift.
Life Covenant Connection (LCC) Stands in agreement to keep our Leader’s arms lifted through constant prayer, dedication, and support. It is our duty and great privilege to ensure the vision of LCC remains alive, vibrant, and relevant because so many Pastors, Leaders, and Ministries depend on our success. We are not here to make a “name” for ourselves but to represent Christ in all we do.